New details concerning the biography of Aleksander Mardkowicz (1875–1944)
Aleksander Mardkowicz (1875–1944) was a Karaim publicist, poet and publisher. He was active between the wars in Lutsk, in Wolyn region. The present article presents a number of hitherto unknown details from Mardkowicz’s private life as well as his professional career as a notary. They concern, among other things, his sources of income, his financial status and the places where he lived. The article also discusses the contacts that Mardkowicz had with regionalist groups in Wolyn as well as his possible collaboration with Jakub Hoffman (1896–1965) in editing The Bibliography of Wolyn published in 1931–1939 in “The Wolyn Yearbook”. The article also includes Polish titles of some his Karaim works, which differing from those commonly known to us, thus enriching out knowledge of Aleksander Mardkowicz’s literary achievements. Perhaps the author of these translations was none other than Mardkowicz himself. One hitherto unknown episode in his life was his employment in the city’s Homeland Museum during the Soviet occupation of Lutsk in 1940.
Aleksander Mardkowicz, the Mardkowicz family, biographies, Lutsk, Karaim literary activity, bibliographyReferences
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Uniwersytet Śląski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych Poland
Doktor nauk humanistycznych, badacz kultury religijnej, edytor materiałów źródłowych do dziejów stosunków wyznaniowych w epoce nowożytnej. Pracownik dydaktyczny Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań Reformacji oraz międzynarodowej Komisji do Badań nad Reformacją w Polsce i Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej przy Wydziale „Artes Liberales” Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, redaktor rocznika „Almanach Karaimski”, autor (bądź współautor) siedmiu publikacji książkowych oraz szeregu artykułów i opracowań. Adres do korespondencji:
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