Karaims in Vilnius Through the Outbreak of World War I

An Exploration

Stefan Gąsiorowski

Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Historyczny, Instytut Judaistyki (Poland)


This article explores the history of the Karaim community in Vilnius, from its beginnings up to the outbreak of World War I. A Karaim community was present in Vilnius in the 19th century, when the city came under Russian rule. They were attracted by the opportunities the city offered in terms of a better education and well-paid jobs. Some of them settled in Vilnius because of military service. They originated mainly from Trakai and nearby villages, but others came from all over the Russian Empire. The Karaim community developed
gradually, and over the course of time Karaims established a presence not only in the local military garrison, but also in schools, government offices, and markets. Soon, it was necessary to erect a Karaim temple and cemetery, which was done thanks to the backing of the city authorities and the financial support of all Karaim communities in Russia. However, an independent Karaim community was only established later in the 20th century.


Vilnius, immigration, military, cementary, house of prayer, Russian partitions of Poland, Karaims


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Cited by

Gąsiorowski, S. (2018). Karaims in Vilnius Through the Outbreak of World War I: An Exploration. Karaim Almanac, 7, 67–82. https://doi.org/10.33229/ak.2018.7.03


Stefan Gąsiorowski 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Historyczny, Instytut Judaistyki Poland


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