Włodzimierz Zajączkowski’s letters to Seraya Shapshal

Maria Emilia Zajączkowska-Łopatto

Związek Karaimów Polskich (Poland)


Włodzimierz Zajączkowski (1914–1982), who prior to WWII was a graduate student in the Chair of the Muslim East at the Jagiellonian University, returned in the autumn of 1946 to Cracow in order to continue his studies and complete his Ph.D. thesis on the Gagauz Turks. He exchanged letters with Seraya Shapshal (1873–1961), the spiritual leader of the Karaims and an Orientalist, who was one of his mentors both in life and in his academic career. These letters, written in Russian in the years 1947–1958, are at present stored in the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Science in Vilnius. They are published in a Polish translation together with a short biographical and bibliographical essay. The letters concerned the restoration and development of Oriental Studies in Cracow, Warsaw and Wrocław. W. Zajączkowski informed S. Shapshal on scholarly events in Poland, the progress he was making in his own studies, as well as the materials he was going to publish. He consulted Shapshal, a native speaker of Crimean Karaim and a specialist in Crimean Karaim popular literature, on linguistic issues. He also asked for help in obtaining foreign publications not available in Poland, especially those published in U.S.S.R., and sent Shapshal Polish books and scientific journals. We also find in the letters some information on the social life of the Karaims in Poland and W. Zajaczkowski’s contacts with family and friends.


Włodzimierz Zajączkowski, Seraya Shapshal, Turkish studies, Oriental studies, Karaims


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Cited by

Zajączkowska-Łopatto, M. E. (2016). Włodzimierz Zajączkowski’s letters to Seraya Shapshal. Karaim Almanac, 5, 207–237. https://doi.org/10.33229/ak.2016.05.12


Maria Emilia Zajączkowska-Łopatto 
Związek Karaimów Polskich Poland

Turkolog, dokumentalistka, archiwistka. Od kilkunastu lat zajmuje się opisywaniem historii rodzin karaimskich Wileńszczyzny. Opracowuje biografie karaimskie na podstawie źródeł archiwalnych oraz własnych zbiorów korespondencji. Publikuje w wydawnictwach Związku Karaimów Polskich.


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