Ananiasz Zajączkowski – above all Orientalistics

Maria Emilia Zajączkowska-Łopatto
Związek Karaimów Polskich (Poland)


In November 1945 Professor Ananiasz Zajączkowski was appointed director of the Oriental Institute of Warsaw University for 5 years. Later, he became its director once more in the years 1957–1961. His primary task was to prepare the groundwork for launching the normal curriculum. In 1948 he started a five-year cycle of study in which he educated several generations of oriental philologists, who conducted research on the Muslim East. In the years 1946–1950 he was head of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Wroclaw.

In 1952 he became a member of the newly formed Polish Academy of Science, where he organized the Committee of Oriental Studies, which he headed till 1965. In 1953, the Department of Oriental Studies of Polish Academy of Science was created and Professor Zajączkowski directed it from its very beginnings until its closure in 1969. He devoted his entire life to oriental studies. In addition to teaching, the Professor also focused on research and publishing, as well as editorial and organizational work. He was president of the Polish Society of Oriental Studies from 1949 to 1958. He was the editor of the “Oriental Review” between 1948 and 1952, and issued sixteen volumes of the Rocznik Orientalistyczny from 1950 to 1970. In addition, he collaborated in the editing of Język Polski and Poradnik Językowy. He was invited to give lectures at the Institute of Eastern Studies in Moscow, at the University of Jerusalem, the Instituto Universitario in Naples, etc. He was the president of the Board of the Polish Team working on the UNESCO “East—West” project. He played an active academic and organizational role in several dozen conferences, congresses and convention. He was a member of the Société Finno-Ougrienne, Türk Dil Kurumu, Societas Uralo-Altaica, PAU, TNW, Wroclaw Scientific Society. Professor Ananiasz Zajączkowski is the author of 341 publications. To mark the 60th anniversary of his birth the 36th volume of Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher was named in his honour. Dozens of articles have been written about him and his work on Ottoman studies, the Kipchak monuments, the Golden Horde and the historical Turkish literature of Mameluke Egypt.


Ananiasz Zajączkowski, Warsaw Univeristy, Institute of Oriental Studies, Department of Turcology, Orientalistics, Turcology, Iranistics, Oriental Committee, Polish Academy of Science, Department of Oriental Studies of the Polish Academy od Science, Polish Oriental Society, East—West Major Project at UNESCO


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Cited by

Zajączkowska-Łopatto, M. E. (2014). Ananiasz Zajączkowski – above all Orientalistics. Karaim Almanac, 3, 133–148.


Maria Emilia Zajączkowska-Łopatto
Związek Karaimów Polskich Poland

Turkolog, dokumentalistka, archiwistka. Od kilkunastu lat zajmuje się opisywaniem historii rodzin karaimskich Wileńszczyzny. Opracowuje biografie karaimskie na podstawie źródeł archiwalnych oraz własnych zbiorów korespondencji. Publikuje w wydawnictwach Związku Karaimów Polskich.


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