Włodzimierz Zajączkowski as a Biographer. The Relationship between the Cracow Turkologist and the Polish Biographical Dictionary, 1947–1976

Stefan Gąsiorowski



Professor Włodzimierz Zajączkowski (1914–1982), a prominent Turkologist, cooperated with the board of editors of Polish Biographical Dictionary for almost 30 years. Over that period of time he published 10 biographies, mostly of Karaims who lived between the 16th and the 20th centuries. They were as follows: Isaac ben Abraham from Troki, author of the work Chizzuk emuna, Josef Malinowski, his student, Iliasz Karaimowicz, Colonel Perejaslav, Mordechai ben Nisan, historian and philologist, Sima Izaak Lutski, author of 25 works, Josef Salomon Lutski, hazzan in Eupatoria, Bogusław Firkowicz, the hazzan in Troki, Aleksander Mardkowicz, founder of the Karaim publishing house in Lutsk and the periodical “Karaj Awazy“, Josef Lobanos, hazzan in Vilna, as well as the only non-Karaim in this group, Jan Grzegorzewski, journalist, ethnographer and orientalist. The biographies  authored by Zajączkowski were typically small volumes with a modest source basis, which was due to editorial restrictions and problems with obtaining sources and literature on the subject during this period. Nevertheless, his biographies offer a solid foundation for further in-depth academic research on the characters described in these texts, which is especially valuable of karaimologists.


Włodzimierz Zajączkowski, Polish Biographical Dictionary, Karaims studies


Cited by

Gąsiorowski, S. (2017). Włodzimierz Zajączkowski as a Biographer. The Relationship between the Cracow Turkologist and the Polish Biographical Dictionary, 1947–1976. Karaim Almanac, 6, 7–16. https://doi.org/10.33229/ak.2017.6.01


Stefan Gąsiorowski 


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