"I want to serve Poland." Public and occasional speeches of Haji Seraya Chan Shapshal, Karaims Hakhan of the Second Polish Republic from 1928-1936. Source edition

Stefan Gąsiorowski

Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Historyczny, Instytut Judaistyki (Poland)


This text is a source edition of six public speeches in Polish by Haji Seraya Khan Shapshal, hakhan of the Karaites of the Second Polish Republic, which date from 1928-1936, preceded by an introduction. Three of them are undated and were written on the occasion of the ingress to the position of hahhan, May 3rd and the jubilee of hazzan Szymon Firkowicz, and come from the Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in Vilnius. The remaining three: two pastoral letters on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Poland's independence and the death of Marshal Józef Piłsudski, and a speech in connection with the issuance of the Act on the relationship of the state to the Karaim Religious Association in the Republic of Poland, were taken from the magazine "Myśl Karaimska" [Karaite thought].


hakhan, Seraya Shapshal, Interwar Period`, Karaims, public appearances


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Cited by

Gąsiorowski, S. (2023). "I want to serve Poland." Public and occasional speeches of Haji Seraya Chan Shapshal, Karaims Hakhan of the Second Polish Republic from 1928-1936. Source edition. Karaim Almanac, 12, 183–207. https://doi.org/10.33229/ak.1019


Stefan Gąsiorowski 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Historyczny, Instytut Judaistyki Poland


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