Remarks on the attitude toward S.M. Shapshal in Persia

Александр Бабаджан
Ассоциация крымских караимов «Крымкарайлар»Религиозная объединённая община «Чолпан» (Lithuania)


The article examines the charges brought against S. M. Shapshal for his activities during his stay in Persia. It is shown that their main are Russian slanderous articles, consisting of unsubstantiated accusations with lack of awareness of the authors and unreliable evidence of the period of the information struggle of England and her henchmen in Persia and Russia against the Shah and the influence of Russia in Persia. The distribution of false information is shown by the example of the publication of M. Kizilov “The Sons of Script” and D. Shapira. The facts of the real attitude of the government of Persia after the overthrow of Shah Ali Mohammed to S. M. Shapshala are given, confirmed by documents stored in the S. M. Shapshala F143 fund in the Library of the Academy of Sciences of Lithuania.


S.M. Shapshal, Karaites, Persia 1905-1911, Iran 1905-1911, Mohammed Ali Ahah, M. Kizilov, D. Shapira, K. N. Smirnov


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Cited by

Бабаджан, А. (2022). Remarks on the attitude toward S.M. Shapshal in Persia. Karaim Almanac, 11, 201–221.


Александр Бабаджан
Ассоциация крымских караимов «Крымкарайлар»Религиозная объединённая община «Чолпан» Lithuania

Aleksander Babadżan, absolwent matematyki na Symferopolskim Uniwersytecie, pracuje jako programista. Od 1990 r. bada karaimską historię, kulturę i religię, wyniki swoich badań prezentuje na konferencjach. Autor szeregu publikacji z dziedziny karaimoznawstwa. W roku 2001 uzyskał tytuł religijny erbi, a w 2013 wybrany został na hazzana Symferopola.


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