Critical edition of a Crimean Karaim translation of the Tanakh. Cambridge Manuscript: The contents of volume I and IV

Gulayhan Aqtay
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Wydział Neofilologii, Katedra Studiów Azjatyckich (Poland)


The purpose of this article is to present a Crimean Karaim Tanakh translation from the holdings of Cambridge University Library, shelf mark BSMS 288. This manuscript is the only one known so far to contain the entire text of the bible except Chronicles. Of its four volumes, volumes I and IV are discussed in more detail, since they are
the subject of a research project aimed at preparing a critical edition of the text with an English translation. Therefore, it is the content of these two volumes that are presented here.


Karaim manuscripts, Crimean Karaim, Tanakh, translation, loanwords


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Cited by

Aqtay, G. (2016). Critical edition of a Crimean Karaim translation of the Tanakh. Cambridge Manuscript: The contents of volume I and IV. Karaim Almanac, 5, 35–46. Retrieved from


Gulayhan Aqtay
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Wydział Neofilologii, Katedra Studiów Azjatyckich Poland

Adiunkt w Pracowni Studiów Kazachskich Katedry Studiów Azjatyckich Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują kazachoznawsto i karaimoznawsto a zwłaszcza rękopisy krymskokaraimskie. W 2007 obroniła rozprawę doktorską w dziedzinie językoznawstwa orientalnego. Od 2002 roku jest zatrudniona w UAM.


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