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Dorota Cegiołka
dsmetek@amu.edu.plAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Section of Turkic Studies (Poland)
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Dorota Cegiołkadsmetek@amu.edu.pl
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Section of Turkic Studies Poland
Dorota Cegiołka, PhD, is an assistant professor (Pol. adiunkt) at the Section of Turkic Studies of the The Institute of Oriental Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland). Her research focuses primarily on the Karaim language, especially on its Crimean dialect. She authored a monograph dedicated to this subject entitled Crimean Karaim Version of Melukhat Sha’ul. Critical Edition and Linguistic Analysis. In years 2013–2018 she took part in a project entitled Wydanie krytyczne Biblii karaimskiej z tłumaczeniem na język angielski [= A Critical Edition of the Crimean Karaim Bible] which was concluded with a two volume book The Crimean Karaim Bible published at Harrassowitz Verlag. She teaches Karaim language and literature as well as contemporary and folk Turkish literature.
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