Dokument z 1824 roku z archiwum gminy karaimskiej w Łucku

Przyczynek do zagadnienia rozproszenia osadnictwa karaimskiego na Wołyniu w XIX wieku

Anna Sulimowicz-Keruth
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Orientalistyczny, Zakład Turkologii i Ludów Azji Środkowej (Poland)


In the 19th century a significant part of the Karaite population of Lutsk lived not in the town itself but in surrounding villages and farmsteads. A document from 1824 found in the community’s archive, namely a draft of a petition of two leaseholders from the Mokowicze village, sheds some new light on the economic situation of the Lutsk Karaites. It also makes possible to supplement the list of villages where their presence has been documented.


Karaites in Lutsk, Volhynia, Jaxa-Chamiec, leaseholding


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Cited by

Sulimowicz-Keruth, A. (2020). Dokument z 1824 roku z archiwum gminy karaimskiej w Łucku: Przyczynek do zagadnienia rozproszenia osadnictwa karaimskiego na Wołyniu w XIX wieku. Karaim Almanac, 9, 149–160.


Anna Sulimowicz-Keruth
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Orientalistyczny, Zakład Turkologii i Ludów Azji Środkowej Poland

An assistant professor (Pol. adiunkt) in the Department of Turkish Studies and Inner Asian Peoples of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw. She studied Turkish philology at the University of Warsaw and holds a ThD degree in Jewish Studies (Charles University 2018). She is the secretary of the Polish Karaims Association and editorial board member of the journal Almanach Karaimski. Her research interests focus on the history of Lutsk Karaims. In 2012–2016 she participated in a project entitled A catalogue of Karaim manuscripts and old prints in Polish collections financed by National Science Centre of Poland. Currently she is a member of the research team of the European Research Council (ERC) project entitled (Re)constructing a Bible. A new approach to unedited Biblical manuscripts as sources for the early history of the Karaim language conducted by Michał Németh, PhD at the Jagiellonian University. Translator of Karaim and Turkish literature - she translated into Polish five novels of the Turkish Nobel Prize holder Orhan Pamuk. 


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