Troki Karaim Haggadah

Henryk Jankowski
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, The Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Department of Asian Studies, Section of Turkic Studies (Poland)


This article is a critical edition of the Karaim Haggadah in the Troki or the North-West Karaim dialect based on an undated, probably 19th-century manuscript and a text published by Feliks/Pinahas Malecki in 1900, which was most likely based on a another, albeit very similar manuscript. The manuscript was selected as the basic text for the edition, because it is older. In addition, Malecki, a renowned Karaim scholar and spiritual leader, made a number of editorial adaptations in his publication. Occasionally, reference is made to Firkovičius’s (1999) modern edition. In some instances, we also noted the Crimean Karaim versions of the Haggadah, although a comparison with Crimean Karaim is not our goal. Since the Karaim Haggadah is mostly composed of biblical verses, all such verses have been identified and noted. At the same time, the non-biblical portions have also been presented. The introduction discusses the state of the art and all important issues relating to East European Karaim Haggadah whilst also referencing the Egyptian Karaite branch. The edition is composed of the transcribed text with footnotes, a Polish translation, a glossary and facsimiles.


Haggadah, Troki Karaim, manuscript, 1900 printed edition


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Cited by

Jankowski, H. (2019). Troki Karaim Haggadah. Karaim Almanac, 8, 35–140.


Henryk Jankowski
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, The Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures, Department of Asian Studies, Section of Turkic Studies Poland

Profesor w Katedrze Studiów Azjatyckich Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Językoznawca, turkolog i hungarysta, założyciel poznańskiej turkologii. Jest autorem i współautorem blisko 200 publikacji, w tym kilku książek i wielu artykułów, publikowanych w polskich i światowych wydawnictwach, takich jak De Gruyter, Brill i Harrassowitz, zapraszany do udziału w wydawnictwach ogólnych i monograficznych, takich jak Handbook of Jewish Languages, Word-formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics (w przygotowaniu). Przez wiele lat zajmował się turkijskimi językami Krymu: krymskotatarskim, krymskotureckim, krymskokaraimskim i krymczackim. Inne języki z obszaru jego zainteresowań to turecki, kazachski, kirgiski i uzbecki. Wiele prac poświęcił też piśmiennictwu Tatarów litewsko-polskich.


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