The The Association of Karaims in Paris: from providing mutual assistance (1929–1938) to promoting organized resistance against “the monstruous threat” hanging over Karaim heads (1939–1945)
At the beginning of the 1920s an active émigré community of 324 Karaims (275 Karaims from Crimea and 49 Karaims from Constantinople) had established itself in France. In 1923 they formed an organisation called the Karaims’ Association in Paris (Association des Karaïmes à Paris), headed by Salomon Krym and Boris Saratch. From its initial foundation until 1938, its goal was to promote mutual assistance, foster community ties and support the Karaim religion. However, in 1938, in response to increasing racial persecution and antisemitism in Europe, the Association assumed a new outlook and devoted greater time and effort to trying to help and protect Karaims in distress, mainly those based in Germany and Czechoslovakia.
Karaims of France, Second Word War, Nazi occupation of FranceReferences
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Absolwentka paryskiego Narodowego Instytutu Języków i Kultur Orientalnych (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales – INALCO). Jest autorką dwutomowej pracy magisterskiej poświęconej społeczności Karaimów zamieszkujących w Paryżu od roku 1920 do czasów nam współczesnych. Pierwszy tom został zatytułowany The community of Karaims in France (I): The Association of the Karaims in Paris through its archives (1923–1972) (Paryż, 2014), drugi tom nosi tytuł The community of Karaims in France from 1920 to our present day (II): Cultural belonging, national affirmation and religious feeling. An essay of collective biography (Paryż, 2017). W 2016 roku opublikowała również artykuł o Karaimach krymskich pt. Les Karaïmes de Crimée : communauté et exil.
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