Hieromonk Andrzej Abrahamowicz - a Karaim monk in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

Volodymyr Moroz

Ukrainian Catholic University (Ukraine)


This article endeavours to reconstruct the biography of a Karaim from Galicia called Andrzej (Zachariasz Simcha) Abrahamowicz (1885–1959) who was a monk of the Studite Brethren religious society. The author examines the transition to Christianity made by five of the six members of the Karaim Abrahamowicz family: the father, two sons and two daughters. Four of them joined Greek Catholic monasteries. Andrzej Abrahamowicz spent 56 of his 74 years living as a monk. After being ordained a priest by Metropolitan Andrzej Szeptycki, his calling took him to Galicia, Bosnia and the Lemko region. At one time he was a prisoner in the "Jaworzno" labor sub-camp. He was persecuted because his sister and two other relatives were active members of the OUN armed resistance against the USSR. However, he refused to make any compromises with the totalitarian regime. Similarly, the sister of the father Abrahamowicz, Olga (Rebeka) Abrahamowicz was a nun from the Congregation of the Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate. The lives of the Abrahamowicz family illustrate the strong roots they established in the Greek Catholic Church and how strongly they identified with Ukrainian culture.


Karaims Halicz, Karaims and Christianity, the order of Studite Monks, repressions of totalitarianism


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Cited by

Moroz, V. (2019). Hieromonk Andrzej Abrahamowicz - a Karaim monk in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Karaim Almanac, 8, 141–156. https://doi.org/10.33229/ak.2019.8.3


Volodymyr Moroz 
Ukrainian Catholic University Ukraine

Doktor, pracownik naukowy w Instytucie Dziejów Cerkwi Ukraińskiego Uniwersytetu Katolickiego. Badacz historii zakonu bazylianów św. Jozafata, historii Cerkwi w regionie karpackim, a także stosunków karaimsko-ukraińskich.


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