The Second Collection of Seraya Markovich Shapshal
Aleksandr Babadzhan
babadzan.alex@gmail.comIndependent researcher (Lithuania)
This article explores the history of the formation of Seraya Markovich Shapshal’s second collection, the establishment of the Karaim Historical and Ethnographic Museum in Trakai based on it, the museum's operation and closure, as well as the subsequent history of the collection’s items. The study is based on documents preserved in the archive of Shapshal’s foundation, housed in the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, and on records from the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education (MWRiOP) of Poland, stored in the Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw (AAN MWRiOP).
Hajji Seraya Shapshal, Karaim Historical and Ethnographic Museum, Karaims, Seraya Shapshal collection, Karaim Museum, Shapshal’s collectionReferences
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Independent researcher Lithuania
Aleksander Babadżan, absolwent matematyki na Symferopolskim Uniwersytecie, pracował jako programista. Od 1990 r. bada karaimską historię, kulturę i religię, wyniki swoich badań prezentuje na konferencjach. Autor szeregu publikacji z dziedziny karaimoznawstwa. W roku 2001 uzyskał tytuł religijny erbi, a w 2013 wybrany został na hazzana Symferopola.
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