The Decalogue in Karaim Prayer Books and Manuscripts
Magdalena Ebo-Żurek
ebomagda@gmail.comJagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland)
One of the foundations of the Karaim religion is the Decalogue. In Karaim language, the Decalogue is called On Sioźliari or On Sioźliari Tieńriniń, which translates literally to 'Ten Words' and 'Ten Words of God,' respectively. The Decalogue is recorded in two biblical books: the Book of Exodus (20: 1–17) and the Book of Deuteronomy (5: 6–21). This article focuses on the text from the Book of Exodus. Zajączkowski, in his popular Zarysie religii karaimskiej provides a Polish translation without the Karaim text, directing readers to prayer books. The text of the Karaim Decalogue is available in prayer books such as Kołtchałar, Karaj Dińliliarniń Jalbarmach Jergialiari and Karaj Koltchalary. This article also compares excerpts from the Book of Exodus (20: 1–17) from the following manuscripts: ADub.III.73, JSul.III.01, BSMS 288, Eupatoria, F305-01.
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Karaims, Decalogue, On Sioźliari Tieńriniń, Exodus, Karaim lenguage, Bible translations, transcriptionReferences
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Magdalena Ebo-Ż
Jagiellonian University in Kraków Poland
Magdalena Ebo-Żurek, PhD, is an assistant lecturer (Pol. asystent z doktoratem) in the Research Centre for Language Documentation of the Institute of Linguistics, Translation Studies, and Hungarian Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She studied Turkish philology at the Jagiellonian University and holds a PhD degree in Linguistics (2012). Her research interests focus on the translation studies and comparative linguistics (Turkish languages). In years 2002–2013, assistant professor at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Jagiellonian University.
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