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At the beginning of the manuscript, the title of the work, and the name, surname, and affiliation of the author or authors should be specified. The manuscript should contain three to eight key words in the language of the body text and in English, and an abstract in English. The summary should be ca. 1000 characters long. All abbreviations employed in the abstract must be explained in the text. Please pay attention to the following details: Foreign words and phrases should be in italics. Meanings of cited words should be enclosed in single quotation marks. Quotations should be enclosed in double quotation marks and not italicized. Use footnotes rather than endnotes, and number them with digits rather than symbols or letters. The Harvard citation style is acceptable (name, year, page number), e.g. Kowalski (1929: 133). Manuscripts where it is employed, should contain a separate references section that meets the requirements below. In manuscripts in Polish, cited surnames should be accompanied by the full version of the name where they appear for the first time in the text, while in the subsequent occurrences, the name can be omitted altogether. Footnote references should be placed before, not after a full stop or a comma.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited references. Bibliographic records should contain: surnames and initials of the names of the authors, names and surnames of the editors, the title of the work, the title of the collection the paper was published in, the title of the journal, volume number, place of publication, year of publication, the start and end page of the cited paper, and the date of access in the case of websites. Titles in scripts other than Latin should be given in transliteration following the system most commonly adopted for the given language or in the given field of science. Records should be formatted as follows:
Dubiński, Aleksander, „Karaimskie rukopisi iz kollekcii Û. Sulimoviča v Varšave”, maszynopis, [1980].
Harviainen, Tapani, Marriage contracts and items of dowry among the Karaims in Eastern Europe, „Studia Orientalia” 2007, nr 101, s. 61–84.
Kowalski, Tadeusz, Karaimische Texte im Dialekt von Troki, Prace Komisji Orjentalistycznej Polskiej Akademji Umiejętności, nr 11, Kraków 1929.
Majda, Tadeusz (ed.), Urzeczeni Orientem. Listy Ananiasza Zajączkowskiego do Tadeusza Kowalskiego, Warszawa 2013.
Mardkowicz, Aleksander, Ku pamięci babińca, przeł. A. Sulimowicz, „Awazymyz” 1999, nr 2 (3), s. 5–8 [oryg.: Sahyncyna babinecnin, „Karaj Awazy” 1933, nr 6, s. 1–10].
Schönig, Claus, Osmanische Einflüsse auf das Krim-Areal, [w:] Studies on the Turkic World. A Festschrift for Professor Stanisław Stachowski on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, red. E. Mańczak-Wohlfeld, B. Podolak, Kraków 2010, s. 107–119.
Zajączkowski, Ananiasz, [rec.], Aleksander Mardkowicz, „Synowie Zakonu” (kilka słów o Karaimach). Łuck 1930. Str. 20, „Myśl Karaimska” 1930–1931, t. 2, z. 3–4, s. 68–70.
Dubiński, [1980]. „Karaimskie rukopisi iz kollekcii Û. Sulimoviča v Varšave”, maszynopis.
Harviainen, T. 2007. Marriage contracts and items of dowry among the Karaims in Eastern Europe, Studia Orientalia 101: 61–84.
Kowalski, T., 1929,Karaimische Texte im Dialekt von Troki. (= Prace Komisji Orjentalistycznej Polskiej Akademji Umiejętności, nr 11), Kraków .
Majda, T. (ed.). 2013. Urzeczeni Orientem. Listy Ananiasza Zajączkowskiego do Tadeusza Kowalskiego, Warszawa.
Mardkowicz, A. 1999. Ku pamięci babińca. - Awazymyz 2 (3): 5–8 [przeł. A. Sulimowicz, oryg.: Mardkowicz, A. 1933. Sahyncyna babinecnin, – Karaj Awazy 6: 1–10].
Schönig, C. 2010. Osmanische Einflüsse auf das Krim-Areal. – Mańczak-Wohlfeld E., Podolak B.:,Studies on the Turkic World. A Festschrift for Professor Stanisław Stachowski on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, Kraków: 107–119.
Zajączkowski, Ananiasz. 1930–1931. Rec., Aleksander Mardkowicz, „Synowie Zakonu” (kilka słów o Karaimach). Łuck 1930. Str. 20, – Myśl Karaimska , 2/3–4: 68–70.
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